We want to hear from you!

The Trax Board of Directors values your input. Please take a few minutes to read this section and respond to the survey below.

At our credit union, we recognize the importance of the connection between our members and the Board of Directors. The voluntary board is committed to building a relationship that reflects your needs and preferences. With this in mind, we seek your input to strengthen the bond between you and the board. Your responses will be thoughtfully considered during our scheduled board meetings.

Fostering Connections

How can the credit union better connect with you, our valued member?

Please provide all the requested information. When you have completed your viewpoint, press the "Submit to Board of Directors" button. Thank you for your participation, we value your feedback!

  • OK What year did you join the credit union? is required
  • OK What is your age? is required
  • Optional OK Name is required
  • Did you attend the Annual Meeting?

    Optional OK Did you attend the Annual Meeting? is required
  • Optional OK If not, why? is required
  • OK How can the credit union better connect with you, our valued member? is required
  • OK is required
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