Welcome to Platform 8 1⁄3
A magical savings club just for kids featuring your new best
friends, Max & Rex!

Rex and I are excited to introduce our special “kids-only” club to you.
It’s only for kids 12 and under.
As a member of Platform 8 1⁄3 you get the following:
- Earn interest when you save money in your club account. That’s right. Trax CU will pay you 5.10% APY* on your kids' club savings account up to $500, and then any money over $500 earns interest at the grown-up rate. The longer you keep your money in the kids club account, the more it will grow!
- Receive $1 for each A (for the most recent grading period), up to $5 per grading period!**
- Have fun learning about money with Max and Rex with a fun activity book and online activities!
Oh, I hope you like stickers! You’ll receive some when you sign up and you’ll get even more each time you visit Trax Credit Union.
Your friend,
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Special interest rate of 5.10% APY up to the first $500 in the savings account. Balances above $500 will be paid at the current rate. **Grade payouts = $1 for every A on your report card, up to $5 per grading period. Other restrictions may apply.